jeudi 17 octobre 2013

Thursday is Baby day

This sweet baby of my sister has been part of our lifes for 1 year now! It's always a pleasure to look after her. She was a little sick today, that's why she could spend the whole day in pyjamas! Lucky girl :)

1  Breakfast (cereal + red fruits) early in the morning, when it's still dark outside... And Baby's still asleep.
2  Remaining milk after eating cereal ... Bonnie's favorite!
3  A gentle crocodile ;)
4  Little blondie.
5  Ligacé: black currants, currants, wild rose fruits and guava syrup. Vitamin C rich. For both Baby and I. Yummmm!
6  We made fire!
7  Brrrr! So cold outside!
8  Lying on the ground, right in front of the wood-burning stove, simply the best place ever according to me. Baby Ellie agreed.

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